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Juego de barra estabilizadora para montaje en pared 45° Felicienne

Número de producto: 77296417020-12

The stabilizing bar set for showers FELICIENNE offers a reliable solution for stabilizing and securing glass panes in your shower enclosure. The set consists of a high-quality square tube and is available in lengths of 250 mm, 1000 mm and 1250 mm, with a choice of stainless steel, chrome or black designs.

The stabilizing bar is used to keep the glass panel stable and ensure a safe shower environment. While this set is typically used in glass showers, it can also be used in other areas to stabilize a glass wall.

Agujero pasante: no
Dimensiones: 20 x 20 mm
Espesor del vidrio: 6 - 10 mm
Longitud: 250 mm
Material: Acero inox 304 (V2A)
Montaje: Pared
Montaje en: Pared
Montaje oculto en la pared:
Superficie: Diseño acero inoxidable
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