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Perfil en U de aspecto industrial, 3000 mm Astoria

Número de producto: 7749721530026


Frame for glass door or partition wall in loft style

The ASTORIA aluminum U-profile in black is used to create a muntin bar look on a glass door or partition wall and, in combination with our decorative muntin bar profile, creates a modern look with an industrial look. Discover the fascination of glass doors with a trendy industrial look! The self-adhesive inner surface of the profile ensures easy installation on the glass.

  • Suitable for 10 mm glass
  • black matt
  • max. 3000 mm
  • Individually shortenable
  • Aluminum
  • Easy installation
Alto en mm: 20 mm
Ancho en mm: 15,8 mm
Cantidad: 1
Espesor del vidrio: 10 mm , 10 mm
Longitud: 3000 mm
Material: Aluminio
Montaje: Vidrio
Superficie: Diseño negro antracita
dxf - 547.69 KB
Archivo CAD
77-49-7215-300-26.dxf Archivo CAD 547.69 KB dxf