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Pinza de mesa Klemstar

Número de producto: 77105000000-36
  • Ideal for sneeze guards made of glass, plexiglass, acrylic, plastic, wood or metal
  • Available in three colours black matt, white matt and silver grey
  • Thickness of the sneeze guard from 4-10 mm
  • 90 ° Rotatable
  • Tabletop thickness from 10-40 mm
  • Fast and easy installation
Ejecución: hasta 40 mm de espesor de tablero
Espesor del vidrio: 4 - 10 mm
Superficie: gris-plata
Ficha técnica
77-10-5000-000_datasheet_G-FITTINGS.pdf Ficha técnica 448.04 KB pdf
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