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Rodamiento, fijacion madera Rodey

Número de producto: 7746610500012


Our roller for timber installation RODEY is a high-quality solution for the smooth and durable movement of sliding timber doors. Carefully manufactured from V2A stainless steel, the roller not only offers a robust construction, but also an attractive appearance. The precise workmanship ensures reliable and quiet sliding movement of the door, while the stainless steel surface ensures durability and corrosion resistance.

Material: Acero inox 304 (V2A)
Superficie: Diseño acero inoxidable
Ficha técnica
dxf - 15.52 MB
Archivo CAD
77-46-6105-000-12_datasheet_G-FITTINGS.pdf Ficha técnica 133.82 KB pdf
46-6105-000-12.dxf Archivo CAD 15.52 MB dxf