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Soporte Funda

Número de producto: 77110107038-12


The footrail FUNDA is characterized by its simple assembly.

The support is attached to both the wall and the floor. Due to the angled 90 ° arc, the footrace support stands very securely.

Screws are included in matching color. The footrest is available for a tube diameter of 38.1 mm or 50.8 mm.

Choose from the following finishes:

  • Stainless steel
  • brass
  • brass matt
Ajustable: no
Alto en mm: 223 mm
Diámetro Ø: 38,1 mm (1,5")
Material: Acero inox 304 (V2A)
Montaje en: Pared
Profundidad en mm: 248 mm
Superficie: Diseño acero inoxidable
máx. distancia de montaje: 700 mm
dxf - 1,005.05 KB
Archivo CAD
12-0107-038-xx.dxf Archivo CAD 1,005.05 KB dxf
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