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Soporte Sygrid

Número de producto: 77110109038-20


The footrest SYGRID with screw-on plate is suitable for wall mounting. This is screwed with three M8 screws. The tube in 38 or 50 mm is fixed with a grub screw. Find the right design for any counter, bar or restaurant and provide a relaxed footstep.

Screws are included in matching color.

Surfaces to choose from:

  • Stainless steel
  • Chrome
  • brass
  • Matte brass
  • Black


Alto en mm: 138 mm
Diámetro Ø: 38,1 mm (1,5")
Profundidad en mm: 203 mm
Superficie: Diseño acero inoxidable
dxf - 958.26 KB
Archivo CAD
77-11-0109-038.dxf Archivo CAD 958.26 KB dxf
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