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Tirador puerta cuadrado, autoadhesiva Lucita

Número de producto: 77474103000-12


Discover LUCITA, the square, self-adhesive handle shell made of high-quality V2A stainless steel. Available in stainless steel, chrome and black, the handle shell is a stylish addition to glass doors that is easy to install. The inner handle area with a diameter of 55 mm and the outer dimension of 65 mm offer convenient handling. With a slim depth of 10 mm, LUCITA not only emphasizes the aesthetics of your glass doors, but also offers a practical solution for effortless installation and use.


  • Stainless steel
  • Chrome
  • Black

Material: Acero inox 304 (V2A)
Montaje en: Cristal
Profundidad en mm: 10 mm
Superficie: Diseño acero inoxidable
dxf - 486.61 KB
Archivo CAD
47-4103-000-xx.dxf Archivo CAD 486.61 KB dxf
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