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Tope de puerta para sistemas totalmente acristalados Luke

Número de producto: 77452158000-12

The LUKE door stop for all-glass systems offers a reliable solution for securely fastening glass doors. Made from high-quality V2A stainless steel, this door stop is available in two attractive finishes: stainless steel and black design.

Suitable for 10-12 mm thick glass, the door stop is ideal for a wide range of all-glass applications. It is designed for doors with a maximum width of 1100 mm and a weight of up to 100 kg, allowing for versatile use.

Espesor del vidrio: 10 - 12 mm
Superficie: Diseño acero inoxidable
ancho puerta max.: 1100 mm
peso puerta max.: 100 kg
Ficha técnica
77-45-215x-000-xx_glasscutout_G-FITTINGS.pdf Ficha técnica 563.78 KB pdf
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