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Vidrio laminado Aine

Número de producto: 7748303000700

Bonded safety glass, also known as laminated safety glass, is a laminated glass made of two or more panes of flat glass. In case of breakage, the VSG does not shatter into cubes but is held together by a film between the glass panes, so that no splinters and shards come off.

Our VSG glass AINE has a width of 2000 mm and a height of 900 mm. The glass has a glass thickness of 6.38 mm. The glass is transparent. 

Use our laminated safety glass AINE in hygiene protection, sneeze protection or glass partition walls. 

Alto en mm: 900 mm
Ancho en mm: 2000 mm
Color: transparante
Espesor del vidrio: 6,38 mm , 6,38 mm