Charnière pour porte en verre Akasha
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The G-Fittings glass door hinge AKASHA is a high-quality hinge that has been specially developed for swing doors and enables an opening of up to 180 degrees. With the ability to tilt inwards and outwards 90 degrees at a time, the hinge for glass doors offers maximum flexibility and ease of use. This versatile hinge is an ideal choice for shower and glass doors in various applications.
The glass door hinge is capable of being used for both all-glass and glass/wall installations, highlighting its adaptability to different installation requirements. In addition, a choice of finishes is available, stainless steel, chrome, matt brass and black, allowing the hinge to be harmoniously integrated into the design and aesthetics of the room.
With its robust construction and versatility, the G-Fittings AKASHA glass door hinge is a reliable solution that is designed to meet both functional and aesthetic requirements, ensuring long-term performance.
Finition: | Design en Inox |
Fixation: | Verre / Mur |
Matériel: | Inox 304 (V2A) |
Sens d'ouverture: | DIN à gauche / DIN à droite |
Traitement verre: | oui |
Type de porte: | Porte battante |
flush: | non |
hydraulique: | non |
max. largeur de porte: | 900 mm |
max. poids de porte: | 45 kg |
position zéro réglable: | non |
Épaisseur de verre: | 8-12 mm |
à fermeture automatique: | oui |
77-41-3012-090_datasheet_G-FITTINGS.pdf | Fiche technique | 411.62 KB | |||
41-3012-090-21.dxf | Fichier CAO | 4.39 MB | dxf |
Prévisualisation | Numéro de produit : | Montage | Plaque de montage | Surface |