Pince à verre Aarnoudje
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The glass clamp AARNOUDJE combines sophisticated design with functional versatility to give your glass design that little bit extra. Available in raw, stainless steel, chrome, brass and black finishes, it offers a wide range of stylish options for a variety of room concepts.
Choose the right material for your needs - either robust stainless steel or high-quality zamak. The glass clamp is available in various connection types: flat for wall mounting or square tubes, as well as for tube diameters of 25.4 - 30 mm or 38.1 - 42.4 mm.
The choice of rubber seals makes the Aarnoudje glass clamp a flexible element that holds glass thicknesses of 4, 6, 6.76, 8 and 8.76 mm securely and stylishly. Matching locking pins and cylinder head screws are available as accessories.
- Various surfaces
- For wall / flat mounting or tube (25.4 - 30 mm / 38.1 - 42.4 mm)
- Rubber seals for various glass thicknesses (4, 6, 6.76, 8 and 8.76 mm)
- Zamak or stainless steel
Finition: | Design en Inox |
Fixation: | plate |
Matériel: | Zamak |
Prévisualisation | Numéro de produit : | Connexion | Matière | Surface |