Porte Sasja
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The flush door SASJA is available in two different mounting options: wall and wall / glass. Whether you mount the door directly to the wall or prefer a combination of wall and glass, this set gives you the flexibility to choose your desired configuration.
The finish of the hardware is another highlight of the flush door. You can choose between stainless steel or black design to perfect the overall look of your rooms. Stainless steel gives the flush door a modern and shiny look, while the black design adds a touch of sophistication and elegance. Choose the finish that best suits your individual style.
The set includes three glass door hinges that ensure the door is secure and stable. The glass door lock ensures added security and can be locked with a profile cylinder to maintain your privacy. The U-shaped lever handle set not only provides a convenient handle for opening and closing the door, but also adds an aesthetic element.
The SASJA flush door combines attractive design with functionality and durability. Its high-quality construction ensures long life and reliable performance in daily use. Whether you install it in your home, office or business, this door is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Finition: | Design en Inox |
Fixation: | Mur |
Prévisualisation | Numéro de produit : | Montage | Surface |
- Cache élégant pour un aspect propre
- pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- Capacité de charge maximale de 50 kg
- Design de haute qualité en acier inoxydable, chrome ou noir
- Ouverture DIN gauche et DIN droite
- Cache élégant pour un aspect propre
- pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- Capacité de charge maximale de 50 kg
- Design de haute qualité en acier inoxydable, chrome ou noir
- Ouverture DIN gauche et DIN droite