Serrure de porte en verre
- Choix parmi cinq finitions exclusives
- Verrouillable ou non
- Choix du sens d'ouverture
- NOUVEAU : Possibilité de couleur RAL personnalisée
- Béquille et contre-boîte en option
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- Différents designs de surface
- Magnétique
- Acier inoxydable de haute qualité
- Acier inoxydable ou noir Design
- Ouverture par empreinte digitale, carte RFID ou code
- Pour portes en verre de 8 à 12,76 mm
- Certification IP54
- Identification en moins de 5 secondes
- Pour iOS et Android
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Différentes surfaces
- Manipulation confortable
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Acier inoxydable et design noir
- pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- Fermable
- Piège à chuchotement
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Acier inoxydable et design noir
- Design moderne
- Verrou en acier inoxydable de haute qualité
- Pour le raccordement au verre entier ou au tube
- Design intemporel en acier inoxydable
- Design moderne
- Flexible pour DIN gauche & DIN droite
- pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Utilisation universelle pour DIN gauche / DIN droite
- Acier inoxydable & noir Design
- Pour verre de 8 à 12 mm
- Extensible avec poignée de porte et cylindre profilé
- Hochwertiger V2A Edelstahl
- Verschiedene Oberflächen
- für 8 - 10 mm Glas
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- DIN gauche & DIN droite
- Acier inoxydable, anodisé noir et argent mat Design
- pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- Piège à chuchotement et piège à crochet intégrés
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Différentes surfaces
- pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- Le loquet silencieux permet une fermeture silencieuse
- Din gauche & DIN droite
- Pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- avec piège magnétique
- Différentes surfaces
- Acier inoxydable de haute qualité
- pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- DIN gauche / DIN droite Version
- Différentes surfaces
- Pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- avec piège magnétique
- Différentes surfaces
- DIN gauche & DIN droite
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Différentes surfaces
- Design ergonomique
- Convient pour le montage sur verre
- Compatible avec DIN gauche et droite
- Convient pour une épaisseur de verre de 8 à 12 mm
- Design noir ou acier inoxydable
- from 8 to 12.76 mm glass
- Material: Stainless steel AISI 304 (V2A)
- Surface: brushed
- with hook latch
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Acier inoxydable et design noir
- Utilisation universelle pour DIN gauche / DIN droite
- Gâche incluse
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Design rectangulaire
- Pour DIN gauche et droite
- Pour verre de 8 à 12,76 mm
- Fermeture précise de la porte
- Idéal pour les portes sans serrure
- Remplacement facile
- Matière plastique légère
- aspect semblable à celui d'un cylindre profilé
- Acier inoxydable de haute qualité
- Pour le serrage
- Cylindre profilé & 3 clés inclus
- surface brossée
- Montage facile
- Sécurisation de la porte par des boulons au sol
- Cylindre profilé inclus
- Acier inoxydable & noir Design
- 1250 mm de longueur, 25 mm de diamètre
- Pour verre de 8 - 10 mm
- Acier inoxydable V2A de haute qualité
- Pour portes en verre de 8 à 12 mm
- Utilisation universelle pour DIN gauche / DIN droite
- Fermable
What is a glass door lock?
A glass door lock is a special door lock designed for glass doors. Since glass doors are often made of safety glass and do not allow for conventional locks with drillings or cutouts, they require a special lock that can be attached to the glass. Glass door locks typically have a housing that is mounted on both sides of the glass door and a locking mechanism that allows for opening and closing of the door. They can be operated either with a key or an electronic access system and are commonly used in office buildings, shops, or modern residential buildings.
Why should you choose a glass door lock?
There are several reasons why you should consider choosing a glass door lock:
- Aesthetics: Glass doors are modern and stylish, adding a contemporary atmosphere to your space. A glass door lock seamlessly integrates into the design of the glass door, preserving its elegant appearance.
- Security: Glass door locks are specifically designed for use with glass doors, providing a high level of security. They are constructed to withstand the weight and structure of glass doors without causing any damage.
- Transparency: By using a glass door lock, the transparency of the glass door is maintained, creating an illusion of a larger space and allowing more natural light to flow through.
- Easy maintenance: Glass door locks are typically made of corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel or aluminum, which are durable and easy to maintain. This means they retain their shine and functionality even with frequent use.
- Wide selection: Glass door locks come in various designs, sizes, and functionalities, allowing you to choose the right lock to suit your individual needs and preferences.
- Easy installation: Most glass door locks are easy to install and do not require special tools or expertise. This means you can either install them yourself or hire a professional without incurring high costs.
Overall, glass door locks offer a combination of security, aesthetics, and functionality, making them an ideal choice for glass doors in residential and commercial spaces.
What types of glass door locks are there?
There are various types of glass door locks that can be chosen depending on the application and desired level of security. Some common types of glass door locks include:
- Mortise locks: These locks are installed directly into the glass door and are suitable for indoor use.
- Surface-mounted locks: These locks are screwed onto the surface of the glass door and do not require cutouts in the glass. They are easy to install and suitable for indoor use.
- Electric locks: These locks are powered by electricity and can be opened using a remote control, keypad combination, or even a smartphone. They offer a higher level of security and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor areas.
- Magnetic locks: These locks use magnets to hold the glass door in place. They are easy to install and work well for indoor use.
- Latch locks: These locks feature a latch that engages with a frame or strike plate to secure the door. They offer a higher level of security and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor areas.
- Pivot door locks: These locks are specifically designed for pivot doors and allow for easy opening and closing of the door. They are available in various designs to meet different security requirements.
When choosing a glass door lock, it is important to consider the type of glass door, the application (indoor or outdoor), and the desired level of security. It is recommended to seek the advice of a professional to find the appropriate lock for the specific situation.
Conclusion: Why choose a glass door lock?
Choosing a glass door lock has several advantages that make it an ideal choice for many situations. Here are some reasons why you should consider opting for a glass door lock:
- Aesthetics: Glass doors are modern, elegant, and add a contemporary and stylish ambiance to any space. A glass door lock helps maintain the clean lines and minimalist design of the glass door by seamlessly blending in.
- Light Transmittance: Glass doors allow ample natural light into the room, creating an open and inviting atmosphere. A glass door lock supports this effect as its small size and discreet design do not block the light.
- Security: Glass door locks are sturdy and provide a high level of security. They are available in various options, such as cylinder locks, electronic locks, or code locks, to meet individual security requirements.
- Easy Installation: Glass door locks are typically easy to install and maintain as they are mounted on the surface of the glass and do not require additional cutouts or drilling.
- Versatility: Glass door locks are suitable for a variety of door thicknesses and types, including single and double glazing, sliding doors, and pivot doors. This makes them a flexible choice for different glass door constructions.
- Privacy: Although glass doors are open and transparent, glass door locks provide the ability to ensure privacy by controlling and restricting access to specific rooms.
Overall, a glass door lock is an excellent choice for those seeking a modern, stylish, and functional solution for their glass doors. It offers security, aesthetics, and versatility while preserving the open and light-transmitting characteristics of glass doors.